Supply of Analytical Devices and High-Tech Field Analyzers: from reputable foreign manufacturers, as well as their corresponding spare parts and consumables.

Supply of Standard Certified Materials and Instruments according to the specifications of international organizations.

Turnkey Supply of fully customized and equipped fuel control vehicles (mobile units) with all required licenses.

Maintenance and Repair Services with consistency, reliability, and immediate response for all devices and systems we have installed, as well as for a wide variety of analytical devices from other manufacturers no longer supported. Our highly trained certified technical staff, with their extensive experience, provide solutions in method development and training tailored to the needs of our customers.

Supply of Automatic Hydrocarbon Detection Systems.

Supply of Equipment for Liquid Fuel Stations.

Sealing and Testing Services for liquid fuel pumps and LPG dispensers at fuel stations as specified by the manufacturer and the approval of the device’s circulation, or according to national European or international metrological recommendations as described in the relevant ministerial decision.

Certification of pressure vessels and tanks – STAGE II nozzle certification – Cleaning and glass coating of tanks – Volumetric measurement of fuel tanks.

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